
Find the First Common Ancestor of the two nodes in a binary tree


Design an algorithm and write code to find the first common ancestor of two nodes in a binary tree. Avoid storing additional nodes in a data structure. Node: This is not necessarily a binary search tree.


I’ll solve this problem without the link to its parent node. This problem can be solved the following steps

  1. define the method to check if the subtree of the one node includes target node. I name this method boolean hasNode(Node root, Node target).
  2. assume that p and q are the nodes that we want to get their ancestor.
  3. define the method to get ancestor of p and q. I name this method Node ancestor(Node root, Node p, Node q).
  4. ancestor method can be defined like this.
  5. return null, if neither p nor q are not included in root.
  6. return root, if root is p or q.
  7. return root, if p is included on the other side to q.
  8. else, return ancestor(child, p, q)

Source Code

Check if a binary tree is a binary search tree


Implement a function to check if a binary tree is a binary search tree


There are some solutions to solve this problem. I’ll introduce the all solution which includes I came up with. First Solution is using a range (min, max)

The Min / Max Solution

This solution is that we keep a range at each node. As traversing the tree, we update the range that the value of node can be possible. In first node (root), we set the range as (min = Int_Min, max = Int_max). And if we traverse to left, we have to change the max to the value of the current node. And if we traverse to right, we have to change the min to the value of the current node.

This solution takes O(N) times and space complexity is O(log N) (log N is the depth of the tree). This is best solution.

In-Oder Traversal Solution

A binary search tree can be a sorted array by in-oder traversal. So we make the array and the check if the array is sorted.

But this solution can not handle duplicate values int the tree values. In binary search tree, if left.value <= current.value, it is valid. But if current.value <= right.value, it is invalid. This solution can not distinguish the difference.

Bad Solution

The restriction of the binary search tree is that left.value <= root.value < right.value. So I thought that it is ok I check the restriction on each node. But this thought is not good because if the restriction is satisfied, the binary tree can not be a binary search tree.

This is a bad Solution.



B: ツリーグラフ - AtCoder Regular Contest 030 | AtCoder


与えられたノードからスタートし、宝石を全て取得するように巡回し始めのノードに戻ってくるルートの最短距離を求める問題。 それぞれのノードについて、巡回すべきノードであるか否かを判定し、巡回すべきノードであれば距離を加算していく。



Sorting the too large size data


Imagine you have a 20 GB file with one string per line. Explain how you would sort the file.


When an interviewer gives a size limit of 20 gigabytes, it should tell you something. In this case, it suggests that they don’t want you to bring all the data into memory.

So What do we do? We only bring part of the data into memory.

We will divide the file into chunks which are x megabytes each, where x is the amount of memory we have available. Each chunk is sorted separately and then saved back to the file system.

Once all the chunks are sorted, we then merge the chunks, one by one. At the end, we have a fully sorted file. This algorithm is known as external sort.

About external sorting.


Internal Sorting and External Sorting

Kind of Sort

All sort can be classified the following two sorts

  1. Internal Sorting
  2. External Sorting

Imagine we have to sort the cards on the table where we can put the 30 cards(max). If the number of cards which we have to sort is less than 30, we can put all cards on the table. But if we have to sort more than 30 cards, we can not put all cards one time. In such case, we have to prepare the another table for work in order to sort them.

This is same as the programming.

Internal Sorting

When we can put the all data into the one memory, internal sorting is used.

External Sorting

When we can not put the all data into the one memory since the data is too large, external sorting is used.



Find an element in the rotated array


Given a sorted array of n integers that has been rotated an unknown number of times, write code to find an element int the array. You may assume that the array was originally sorted in increasing order.


This problem can be solved by applying binary search. If the middle element is larger than the left element (arr[left] < arr[mid]), the left side is normally ordered. If the middle element is smaller than the left element (arr[left] > arr[mid]), the right side is normally ordered. If the left side is ordered and the x that we want to know the index is contained in the left side, we search the left side.

This solution takes O(log N) time.

Source Code









SDWebImage/UIImageView+WebCache.m at master · rs/SDWebImage · GitHub


さらに内部的にsd_internalSetImageWithURLというメソッドが呼ばれている。これはUIView+WebCache.mというファイルに定義されている。UIImageView+WebCache.mファイルに#import "UIView+WebCache.h"という記述があることからも分る。


